Stock photos made with AI.
AI: The Majadas Case
AI Generated Images
Creative Art and Direction
Logo Animation
Social Media
AI Generated Images Creative Art and Direction Logo Animation Social Media Figma
A commercial park in Guatemala and the need to generate high-quality images for its summer campaign became a challenge in terms of time, diversity, and visual coherence.

Using the structured prompt format:
Photoshop then enhanced them, ensuring flawless retouching and brand consistency while maintaining a natural, high-quality finish.
Color palette reference:
Majadas needed authentic images that reflected its essence and the vibrant experience of the park. However, limited time, the lack of diverse models, and the difficulty of finding suitable stock images posed an obstacle to visual production. A solution was required to ensure quality, speed, and visual consistency.
We discovered the potential of Midjourney to generate images tailored to Majadas' identity. Through a structured prompt, we defined key elements such as cinematic style, camera angles, lighting, and emotion, ensuring that each image reflected the essence of the campaign and the cultural diversity of Guatemala.
Thanks to this strategy, Majadas achieved customized images, reduced production costs, and improved cultural representation in its visual communication. Additionally, it established an efficient and replicable model for future campaigns, providing flexibility and strength to its visual identity.